The Metagov Seminar invites individuals working in online governance to present their work to a community of other researchers and practitioners. Seminar topics include, but are not limited to, computational tools for governance, governance incidents and case studies from online communities, topics in cryptoeconomics, and the design of digital constitutions.
The seminar is intended for researchers and practitioners in online governance, broadly defined. We welcome guests and curious members of the public. Note that the discussion is moderated.
The seminar is planned through the #metagov-seminar channel on the Metagov Slack. Participate by joining our community.
Metagov is a community of research and practice gathered around the mission to cultivate tools, practices, and communities that enable self-governance in the digital age.
Complete the survey below (also on Typeform) to receive an invitation to the Metagov Slack, community orientations, and newsletter.
Information submitted through the survey will help us to get to know you and our research community better, as well as give you a overview of Metagov.
Metagov Slack
Our community primarily convenes online in the Metagov Slack. We use the Slack to coordinate Metagov projects, discuss recent research in online governance, plan and participate in seminars, convene governance experiments, collaborate with other organizations, and advance research outputs, all guided by our code of conduct.
Invitations to the Slack are sent after completing the survey.
We conduct regular community orientations. These orientations give new community participants an opportunity to meet each other, ask questions about Metagov or the community, and connect with community peers.
Invitations to these meetings will be sent to the email you submit with you survey.
Attendance at the onboarding meeting is encouraged but not mandatory.
Community directory
You will have an option towards the end of the survey to give Metagov permission to bridge parts of your submission to our public community directory.
Additional resources
We maintain a repository of resources specifically for the Metagov community on our PubPub. It includes guides for participating in the community, research resources, governance documents, and our FAQ. Browse in the iframe below, or visit the site directly.
Support Metagov's Research and Programs
It is possible to support Metagov through individual donations.
Individual donations can be made via credit card, crypto, stocks, or a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) and are powered by The Giving Block. Donations are also able to be made through the Metagov Open Collective.
All donations go towards supporting Metagov's three organizational pillars: our operations, community, and research.
We appreciate any and all support!
Metagov maintains a calendar of events happening across our community. These include special events, recurring and general meetings, project specific meetings, and working group meetings. See below for more information about how to join or rsvp for our events.
Also consider adding our calendar to your calendar.
Recurring and general meetings
Metagov Seminar (weekly on Wednesdays, 4-5pm UTC)
Seminars on topics of internet and digital governance
[Invite in description: Seminar Schedule] + [or export to Google Calendar, or ICS]
Metagov Community Call (bi-weekly on Thursdays, 4-5pm UTC)
Calls for the community at Metagov to talk, co-work, experiment, organize, and more
[RSVP: Luma] + [Invite in calendar] + [Join or visit the Metagov Slack] + [find the pinned post in #self-sortition] + [react to join @community_callers and stay notified]
Metagov Orientation Call (monthly, second Wednesday of the month, 3-4pm UTC)
Monthly orientation to Metagov for all members of the community
[RSVP: Luma] + [Invite in calendar]
Koimmunity Cove (temporarily paused)
Calls for the community at Metagov to engage, discuss, and explore our Knowledge Organization Infrastructure, also know as KOI
[Invite in calendar] + [Join or visit the Metagov Slack] + [find the pinned post in #self-sortition] + [react to join @koimmunity-cove-divers and stay notified] + [project page ↗]
Metagov research directors (first Thursday of the month, observation only, 8-9pm UTC)
Meeting of Metagov Research Directors to discuss coordination of research happening at Metagov
[Invite in calendar]
Project meetings
DAOstar Community Call (bi-weekly on wednesdays, 1:30-2:30pm UTC)
Call alongside strike team updates for people interested in learning more about DAOstar and connecting to other working groups
[Sign up]
Working group meetings
Govbase Labs (weekly on Thursdays, 9-10pm UTC)
Updates, research presentations, and calls for contributors for projects produced using qualitative or quantitative data sets
[Join or visit the Metagov Slack] + [join #govbase-labs] + [project page ↗]
Events Archive
Metagov Panel: Standards Governance On The Internet Today (May 27, 2024 -- 4-5pm UTC)
Recording: https://archive.org/details/metagov-panel-standards-governance-on-the-internet-today
Metagov Panel: Standards Governance As A General Design Pattern (May 30, 2024 -- 2-3am UTC)
Recording: https://archive.org/details/metagov-panel-standards-governance-as-a-general-design-pattern

Open Roles at Metagov
Governable Space-Makers Fellowship (Metagov)
The Governable Space-Makers Fellowship is an 8-month fellowship inviting an artist, a governance engineer, and a speculative digital ethnographer to join forces in designing new forms of participatory governance in digital art.
Standards lead / senior engineer (DAOstar)
We are seeking a technical standards lead / senior engineer to join our team. The ideal candidate will have experience in a number of core engineering tasks (backend, frontend, devops) as well as experience in blockchain technology and especially DAOs.
Research Fellow / Research Contributor (DAOstar)
DAOstar is seeking curious and motivated individuals passionate about advancing research in the DAO ecosystem. Whether you're an experienced researcher, a community participant with lived DAO experience, or someone with a fresh and unique perspective, there’s an opportunity for you to contribute to shaping the future of decentralized governance.

a laboratory for digital governance
Our mission
We cultivate tools, practices, and communities that enable self-governance in the digital age.
Our vision
We are working toward a governance layer for the internet that is empowering, creative, interconnected, and accountable.
Our structure
Metagov’s activities occur through three mutually supporting pillars:
- Community: The dynamic interplay among all participants, who develop vibrant and evolving collaborations through our shared spaces. At the base of this pillar is the Metagov Membership.
- Research: The cutting-edge research that advances knowledge in support of our shared goals. At the base of this pillar are the Research Directors and their grant-funded projects.
- Operations: A participatory approach to organizational infrastructure. At the base of this pillar is a commitment to transparency, accessibility, and to honoring the care work that goes into making the organization function.
Our values
Metagov’s core values include:
- Openness: Our work is a commons. We seek to produce public goods that are widely available and accessible, and to operate in a way that is transparent to our stakeholders.
- Inclusivity: Community is at the heart of Metagov’s work. We seek to cultivate a diverse and mutually supportive community of practice, which people can be part of at various levels of engagement and commitment.
- Rigor: Metagov supports research that excels at the highest standards of scholarly and creative work. We prioritize accountability and ethics in relationship to the people and communities we study.
- Experimentation: Online self-governance requires experimentation, and we seek to embody this spirit in everything we do, drawing on scientific, technical, artistic, and social forms of discovery.
Learn more about our current and archival projects, events, and seminars.
Connect with us by sending an email, signing up for our newsletter, or joining our community.
Metagov is a 501(c)3 nonprofit in the US. Consider supporting us.
Our work is generously supported by the Henry Luce Foundation, One Project, the Grant for the Web, the Internet Archive, the Digital Infrastructure Fund, Project Liberty, NSF, Gitcoin through past grants, several Gitcoin Grant Stack rounds, and direct support, the Filecoin Foundation, the Ethereum Foundation, the EPSRC / University of Oxford, the Center for Cultural Innovation, the Future of Life Institute, GnosisDAO, Aragon, Arbitrum, Radicle, ENS, Metacartel Ventures, NEAR, Optimism, Commonwealth, the Stanford Digital Civil Society Lab, RMIT University, and many Metagovernors through our membership program. Our finances are hosted publicly on Open Collective.
a laboratory for digital governance
Our mission
We cultivate tools, practices, and communities that enable self-governance in the digital age.
Our vision
We are working toward a governance layer for the internet that is empowering, creative, interconnected, and accountable.
Our structure
Metagov’s activities occur through three mutually supporting pillars:
- Community: The dynamic interplay among all participants, who develop vibrant and evolving collaborations through our shared spaces. At the base of this pillar is the Metagov Membership.
- Research: The cutting-edge research that advances knowledge in support of our shared goals. At the base of this pillar are the Research Directors and their grant-funded projects.
- Operations: A participatory approach to organizational infrastructure. At the base of this pillar is a commitment to transparency, accessibility, and to honoring the care work that goes into making the organization function.
Our values
Metagov’s core values include:
- Openness: Our work is a commons. We seek to produce public goods that are widely available and accessible, and to operate in a way that is transparent to our stakeholders.
- Inclusivity: Community is at the heart of Metagov’s work. We seek to cultivate a diverse and mutually supportive community of practice, which people can be part of at various levels of engagement and commitment.
- Rigor: Metagov supports research that excels at the highest standards of scholarly and creative work. We prioritize accountability and ethics in relationship to the people and communities we study.
- Experimentation: Online self-governance requires experimentation, and we seek to embody this spirit in everything we do, drawing on scientific, technical, artistic, and social forms of discovery.
Learn more about our current and archival projects, events, and seminars.
Connect with us by sending an email, signing up for our newsletter, or joining our community.
Metagov is a 501(c)3 nonprofit in the US. Consider supporting us.
Our work is generously supported by the Henry Luce Foundation, One Project, the Grant for the Web, the Internet Archive, the Digital Infrastructure Fund, Project Liberty, NSF, Gitcoin through past grants, several Gitcoin Grant Stack rounds, and direct support, the Filecoin Foundation, the Ethereum Foundation, the EPSRC / University of Oxford, the Center for Cultural Innovation, the Future of Life Institute, GnosisDAO, Aragon, Arbitrum, Radicle, ENS, Metacartel Ventures, NEAR, Optimism, Commonwealth, the Stanford Digital Civil Society Lab, RMIT University, and many Metagovernors through our membership program. Our finances are hosted publicly on Open Collective.

The Metagov Seminar invites individuals working in online governance to present their work to a community of other researchers and practitioners. Seminar topics include, but are not limited to, computational tools for governance, governance incidents and case studies from online communities, topics in cryptoeconomics, and the design of digital constitutions.
The seminar is intended for researchers and practitioners in online governance, broadly defined. We welcome guests and curious members of the public. Note that the discussion is moderated.
The seminar is planned through the #metagov-seminar channel on the Metagov Slack. Participate by joining our community.
Metagov is a community of research and practice gathered around the mission to cultivate tools, practices, and communities that enable self-governance in the digital age.
Complete the survey below (also on Typeform) to receive an invitation to the Metagov Slack, community orientations, and newsletter.
Information submitted through the survey will help us to get to know you and our research community better, as well as give you a overview of Metagov.
Metagov Slack
Our community primarily convenes online in the Metagov Slack. We use the Slack to coordinate Metagov projects, discuss recent research in online governance, plan and participate in seminars, convene governance experiments, collaborate with other organizations, and advance research outputs, all guided by our code of conduct.
Invitations to the Slack are sent after completing the survey.
We conduct regular community orientations. These orientations give new community participants an opportunity to meet each other, ask questions about Metagov or the community, and connect with community peers.
Invitations to these meetings will be sent to the email you submit with you survey.
Attendance at the onboarding meeting is encouraged but not mandatory.
Community directory
You will have an option towards the end of the survey to give Metagov permission to bridge parts of your submission to our public community directory.
Additional resources
We maintain a repository of resources specifically for the Metagov community on our PubPub. It includes guides for participating in the community, research resources, governance documents, and our FAQ. Browse in the iframe below, or visit the site directly.
Support Metagov's Research and Programs
It is possible to support Metagov through individual donations.
Individual donations can be made via credit card, crypto, stocks, or a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) and are powered by The Giving Block. Donations are also able to be made through the Metagov Open Collective.
All donations go towards supporting Metagov's three organizational pillars: our operations, community, and research.
We appreciate any and all support!
Metagov maintains a calendar of events happening across our community. These include special events, recurring and general meetings, project specific meetings, and working group meetings. See below for more information about how to join or rsvp for our events.
Also consider adding our calendar to your calendar.
Recurring and general meetings
Metagov Seminar (weekly on Wednesdays, 4-5pm UTC)
Seminars on topics of internet and digital governance
[Invite in description: Seminar Schedule] + [or export to Google Calendar, or ICS]
Metagov Community Call (bi-weekly on Thursdays, 4-5pm UTC)
Calls for the community at Metagov to talk, co-work, experiment, organize, and more
[RSVP: Luma] + [Invite in calendar] + [Join or visit the Metagov Slack] + [find the pinned post in #self-sortition] + [react to join @community_callers and stay notified]
Metagov Orientation Call (monthly, second Wednesday of the month, 3-4pm UTC)
Monthly orientation to Metagov for all members of the community
[RSVP: Luma] + [Invite in calendar]
Koimmunity Cove (temporarily paused)
Calls for the community at Metagov to engage, discuss, and explore our Knowledge Organization Infrastructure, also know as KOI
[Invite in calendar] + [Join or visit the Metagov Slack] + [find the pinned post in #self-sortition] + [react to join @koimmunity-cove-divers and stay notified] + [project page ↗]
Metagov research directors (first Thursday of the month, observation only, 8-9pm UTC)
Meeting of Metagov Research Directors to discuss coordination of research happening at Metagov
[Invite in calendar]
Project meetings
DAOstar Community Call (bi-weekly on wednesdays, 1:30-2:30pm UTC)
Call alongside strike team updates for people interested in learning more about DAOstar and connecting to other working groups
[Sign up]
Working group meetings
Govbase Labs (weekly on Thursdays, 9-10pm UTC)
Updates, research presentations, and calls for contributors for projects produced using qualitative or quantitative data sets
[Join or visit the Metagov Slack] + [join #govbase-labs] + [project page ↗]
Events Archive
Metagov Panel: Standards Governance On The Internet Today (May 27, 2024 -- 4-5pm UTC)
Recording: https://archive.org/details/metagov-panel-standards-governance-on-the-internet-today
Metagov Panel: Standards Governance As A General Design Pattern (May 30, 2024 -- 2-3am UTC)
Recording: https://archive.org/details/metagov-panel-standards-governance-as-a-general-design-pattern
Open Roles at Metagov
Governable Space-Makers Fellowship (Metagov)
The Governable Space-Makers Fellowship is an 8-month fellowship inviting an artist, a governance engineer, and a speculative digital ethnographer to join forces in designing new forms of participatory governance in digital art.
Standards lead / senior engineer (DAOstar)
We are seeking a technical standards lead / senior engineer to join our team. The ideal candidate will have experience in a number of core engineering tasks (backend, frontend, devops) as well as experience in blockchain technology and especially DAOs.
Research Fellow / Research Contributor (DAOstar)
DAOstar is seeking curious and motivated individuals passionate about advancing research in the DAO ecosystem. Whether you're an experienced researcher, a community participant with lived DAO experience, or someone with a fresh and unique perspective, there’s an opportunity for you to contribute to shaping the future of decentralized governance.