

Metagov maintains a calendar of events happening across our community. These include special events, recurring and general meetings, project specific meetings, and working group meetings. See below for more information about how to join or rsvp for our events.

Most of our events are visible on our You can add it to your calendar.

Recurring and general meetings

Metagov Seminar (weekly on Wednesdays, 4-5pm UTC)
Seminars on topics of internet and digital governance
[Invite in description: Seminar Schedule] + [or export to Google Calendar, or ICS]

Metagov Community Call (bi-weekly on Thursdays, 4-5pm UTC)
Calls for the community at Metagov to talk, co-work, experiment, organize, and more
[RSVP: Luma] + [Invite in calendar] + [Join or visit the Metagov Slack] + [find the pinned post in #self-sortition] + [react to join @community_callers and stay notified]

Metagov Orientation Call (monthly, second Wednesday of the month, 3-4pm UTC)
Monthly orientation to Metagov for all members of the community
[RSVP: Luma] + [Invite in calendar]

Koimmunity Cove (temporarily paused)
Calls for the community at Metagov to engage, discuss, and explore our Knowledge Organization Infrastructure, also know as KOI
[Invite in calendar] + [Join or visit the Metagov Slack] + [find the pinned post in #self-sortition] + [react to join @koimmunity-cove-divers and stay notified] + [project page ↗]

Metagov research directors (first Thursday of the month, observation only, 8-9pm UTC)
Meeting of Metagov Research Directors to discuss coordination of research happening at Metagov
[Invite in calendar]

Project meetings

DAOstar Community Call (bi-weekly on wednesdays, 1:30-2:30pm UTC)
Call alongside strike team updates for people interested in learning more about DAOstar and connecting to other working groups
[Sign up]

Working group meetings

Govbase Labs (weekly on Thursdays, 9-10pm UTC)
Updates, research presentations, and calls for contributors for projects produced using qualitative or quantitative data sets
[Join or visit the Metagov Slack] + [join #govbase-labs] + [project page ↗]

Events Archive

Metagov Panel: Standards Governance On The Internet Today (May 27, 2024 -- 4-5pm UTC)

Metagov Panel: Standards Governance As A General Design Pattern (May 30, 2024 -- 2-3am UTC)

You can still find our old Google Calendar below.