
Open Call: Governable Space-Makers Fellowship

Call for Fellows

Where and how governance happens online is evolving:

“A governance layer is beginning to spread across the Internet. Platform cooperatives, data trusts, encrypted chats, mesh networks, blockchain protocols, DAOs, and more are introducing governable spaces where users may choose to exercise more control over their digital lives.” [1]

Governable spaces—systems where users can exercise control and autonomy—present the potential to transform how we think about participation in online environments. How might this potential be activated to enable us to radically re-imagine where and how governance happens online?

The Governable Space-Makers Fellowship will support a team of three fellows to collaborate on the extension of a digital artifact—in this case a piece of digital art [2]—that re-imagines the possibilities of governance in online life—including artistic, technical, and ethnographic approaches.

Imagine this digital artifact not only being governed by communities, but also holding and reflecting community values—serving as active sites of collaboration, decision-making, and shared power. These artifacts could become more than static objects subject to control, expanding into dynamic interfaces where governance happens within and in partnership with the people they connect and the environments they inhabit.

Imagine a digital artwork made into a governable space.

An exploration of this expanded vision of governable spaces lies at the heart of the Governable Space-Makers Fellowship. Join us in a re-imagination of how creativity and collaboration can reshape where and how governance happens in the digital age and what it means to work toward a governance layer for the internet.

Apply Now

Submissions Due Janurary 20, 2025 (23:59 anywhere in the world)

Watch the recorded Q&A sessions

What We're Offering

Over eight months, three fellows—an Artist, a Digital Governance Engineer, and a Speculative Digital Ethnographer—will collaborate on a novel experiment in making an already existing digital artwork or artifact into a governable space. Each fellow will receive an $8,000 stipend for their participation.

Fellows will place this artifact in new digital contexts, using governance as a means to shape how it interacts with digital environments and to explore its capacity to foster shared decision-making and autonomy.

This fellowship provides an opportunity to:

  • Ask critical questions about autonomy, collaboration, and governance in digital contexts.
  • Prototype and experiment with governance models that shape how people interact with the artifact.
  • Create a public-facing experience that invites others to engage with the governable space you’ve developed.

This work will be supported by engagements with Metagov's community, the fellowship coordinator, and contributions from interdisciplinary practitioners. Fellows will shape the project's direction as co-creators, bringing their unique perspectives to the work.

What The Fellowship Involves

The fellowship will unfold in two phases:

1. Three-Month Intensive: Designing Governance Methods:

  • Fellows will collaboratively define approaches to recontextualizing the artifact, testing ideas, and building frameworks for governance-informed interactions.

2. Five-Month Development Phase: Making a Governable Space Experience:

  • Fellows will co-design an interactive, public-facing experience of the governance-expanded artwork, with opportunities to collaborate with Metagov's online community.

The fellowship will involve reflecting on the insights gained and community engagements, leading to creation of a governable space that can be experienced by the public that will be hosted on Metagov’s website alongside a speculative digital ethnography, fellowship documentation, and a final report.

Fellow Roles

The Artist

  • Brings an already existing digital artwork or artifact as the focal point for this exploration.
  • Explores how the artifact can come alive in new digital contexts.
  • Uses their creative vision to shape aesthetic, spatial, and interactive encounters with the artifact, guided by governance principles.

The Digital Governance Engineer

  • Prototypes and tests governance frameworks to influence interactions between participants, digital environments, and the artifact.
  • Designs tangible, creative systems that reflect the team’s shared values.

The Speculative Digital Ethnographer

  • Observes and documents how governance frameworks shape interactions and decision-making processes.
  • Uses storytelling and speculative inquiry to interpret and reframe the fellowship’s discoveries.

Fellows will bring unique perspectives to this fellowship, with The Artist’s vision shaping the artifact’s interactions, extended by the Engineer’s frameworks and informed by the Ethnographer’s insights.

The Selection Process

We aim to work with one (1) team of three (3) fellows who are passionate about governance, creativity, and collaboration. 

Applications are open to already formed teams of three as well as to pairs or individuals. If your team does not have all three roles, you can apply as an individual or pair of two and be matched with another fellow.

The process is as follows:

1) Initial Application Review

  • Applications will be evaluated based on alignment with the fellowship’s goals, general technical capability, general governance understanding, and collaborative experience. Top candidates will be shortlisted.

2) Shortlist Individual Interviews

  • Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview to discuss their vision for the fellowship and approach to collaboration.

3) Collaborative Team Exercise and Matching Interview

  • Finalists may be invited to participate in an interview to discuss how their team might collaboratively approach a potential governance scenario that their digital art could find itself in.

Fellows will be selected to prioritize:

  • Applications from fellows with experience in online spaces where collective agency and group decision-making played a critical role in protecting or sustaining their, or their communities', existence in those spaces, negatively or positively.
  • Interdisciplinarity and diversity of backgrounds and experience


Fellows should expect to dedicate approximately 6-8 hours per week, including:

  • Weekly team meetings (Remote/Zoom)
  • Bi-weekly updates (Slack)
  • Monthly team reports
  • Three presentations:
    • One internal Metagov Community Call (Remote/Zoom)
    • One user testing session (Remote/Zoom)
    • One public Metagov Seminar Presentation (Remote/Zoom)

Additional requirements:

Fellowship Timeline

The fellowship will run from March 03 to October 31, 2025.

  • December 19 - Open call released
  • January 08 - Open Q&A (18:00-18:30 UTC, [watch recording])
  • January 09 - Open Q&A (06:00-06:30 UTC, [watch recording])
  • January 20 - Submission due via the application form (23:59 anywhere in the world)
  • February 07 - Shortlisted candidates notified
  • February 10-12 - Individual interviews
  • February 19-21 - Collaborative exercises
  • February 28 - Selected fellows notified
  • March 10 - Start of fellowship and kickoff meeting
  • May 30 - Post three-month intensive check-in
  • October 01 - Metagov Seminar presentation of Governable Space Experience
  • October 31 - End of fellowship

Support and Contact

This is a paid fellowship with a stipend of $8,000 per fellow. Payments will be distributed in three parts:

  • $2,000 upon fellowship start
  • $2,000 upon completion of the three-month intensive
  • $4,000 upon delivery of the final governable space experience and documentation

We will hold two open and recorded Q&A sessions [watch recordings] where prospective fellows can learn about the fellowship and ask questions with the Fellowship Coordinator, Cent Hosten.

  • Q&A #1 - January 8 (18:00-18:30 UTC): Register
  • Q&A #2 - January 9 (06:00-06:30 UTC): Register

Apply Now to Become a Governable Space-Maker

Applications are open from December 19 to January 20.

We’re seeking curious and creative makers, thinkers, and explorers who are excited about exploring new ideas and working collaboratively. If you’re an artist, engineer, ethnographer, or someone with an unconventional perspective on governance and digital culture, we want to hear from you.

Apply Now

Submissions Due Janurary 20, 2025 (23:59 anywhere in the world)

The Governable Space-Makers Fellowship is a project of Metagov, with grant support from the Center for Cultural Innovation - AmbitioUS and the Henry Luce Foundation.

Please direct any inquiries to the Fellowship Coordinator and Facilitator Cent Hosten at

Who We Are

Metagov is a laboratory for digital governance. We are a not-for-profit cultivating tools, practices, and communities that enable self-governance in the digital age. We are working toward a governance layer for the internet that is empowering, creative, interconnected, and accountable. 

Our work happens in and across various communities of research and practice, with top researchers working in internet governance today, including some of the key people behind Creative Commons, platform cooperativism, blockchain law, and deliberative tooling.

We have a history of playful experimentation with governance, and previously ran The Groundwork Fellowship, a year-long, three-month intensive, online fellowship that invited four community-based research fellows from Kenya, Myanmar, Spain, and Syria who conducted research in, with, and for communities under-represented in internet governance discourses.

Learn more about our people and our work at


[1] - Metagov. 2022. “Notes on Governance Experience Design: Toward a paradigm in the design of online spaces''. Crowdwrite.

[2] - For examples of digital artifacts that gesture towards becoming governable spaces, see our recent thread of examples. a supplementary list of references and resources to be published in January 2025.