
Redwood Parliament

Redwood Parliament is a governance convocation event. Our inaugural gathering was held in August 2022 during DWeb Camp. The parliament brought together a collection of interdisciplinary thinkers, artists, dreamers, and builders to discuss, role play, speculate, and workshop our way towards a governance layer for the internet.

For a complete overview of the event, listen to co-curator Tony Lai reading a reflection of his time at Redwood Parliament. Some of the ongoing work to come out of Redwood Parliament has also be documented in our newsletter.

Inaugural Members of Redwood Parliament

  • Zarinah Agnew
  • Calum Bowden
  • Christina Bowen
  • Case
  • Angela Corpus
  • Primavera De Filippi
  • Taylor Ferrari
  • Seth Frey
  • Dazza Greenwood
  • Jack Henderson
  • Kola Heyward-Rotimi
  • Cent Hosten
  • brandon king
  • Tony Lai
  • Larry Lessig
  • Laura Lotti
  • Tara Merk
  • Luke Miller
  • Aviv Ovadya
  • Isaac Patka
  • Matt Prewitt
  • Alex Randaccio
  • Dylan Reibling
  • Ellie Rennie
  • Jessy Kate Schingler
  • Nathan Schneider
  • Divya Siddarth
  • Joshua Tan
  • riley wong
  • Michael Zargham
  • Amy Zhang
  • The attendees of DWeb Camp 2022

Special Thanks

  • Cent Hosten & Tony Lai, co-curators
  • RadicalxChange & Internet Archive, partners
  • Dylan Reibling, film


  • Unfinished / Project Liberty & National Science Foundation