
Experiments in online community self-governance using an LLM-mediated KOI (Knowledge Organization Infrastructure)


Metagov's KOI (Knowledge Organization Infrastructure) is a graph database that supports relationships between knowledge objects, users, and groups within Metagov.

For more see full project description and FAQ.

  • Join our Slack and:
    • Visit #koi-pond to participate in project discussion
    • Visit #koi-tank to participate in infrastructure testing
    • Visit #govbase-labs to join our weekly meetings (meeting information is in a pinned post to the channel). You may also @ Cent if you have questions about how to join a meeting or participate in general
  • Koimmunity Cove Calls: a community call to discuss and steer this project (every second and fourth Thursday of the month at 8:30-9pm UTC -- inaugural call is June 13, 2024 and lasts 1 hour, 8-9pm UTC)

Thursdays at 5-6pm ET (GMT-4). Join our Slack and visit #govbase-labs for more information.